Rahvusvaheline festival 8-14
aastastele lastele
18-24 aprillini 2018 Antalyas
XI Antaalia
17.-22.05.2018 Antalyas
täiskasvanutele, rahvatants,
rahvamuusika, võib kasutada salvestatud muusikat tantsude saateks
hotellis****, osalustasu 105 kuni 125 €
kui lennukiga, siis ´kohapeal tuleb tasuda vajalike bussisõitude eest 950 €
Kui on huvi, kirjutage info@estofolk.ee
või helistage 56459359
Euraasia festival
23.-27.05.2018 ja 27.-31.08.2018 Istanbulis
täiskasvanutele, rahvatants,
rahvamuusika, võib kasutada salvestatud muusikat tantsude saateks
hotellis***, osalustasu 125 kuni 140 €
kui lennukiga, siis ´kohapeal tuleb tasuda vajalike bussisõitude eest 1200 €
Kui on huvi, kirjutage info@estofolk.ee
või helistage 56459359
Koorimuusika festival
23.-27.05.2018 Istanbulis
naiskoorid, segakoorid, meeskoorid,
lastekoorid -vähemalt 20 lauljat
lastekoorid max 15 aastased; täisealiste koorid alates 16 aastastest
rahvalaulukoorid - vähemalt 12 lauljat
hotellis***, osalustasu 125 kuni 140 €
kui lennukiga, siis ´kohapeal tuleb tasuda vajalike bussisõitude eest 1200 €
Kui on huvi, kirjutage info@estofolk.ee
või helistage 56459359
59. Aksehiri
05.-10.07.2018 Aksehiris
täiskasvanutele, rahvatants,
rahvamuusika, võib kasutada salvestatud muusikat tantsude saateks
osalustasu 50 € !
kui lennukiga Istanbuli või Konyasse, siis transport Aksehiri ja tagasi bussiga
on tasuta!
Kui on huvi, kirjutage info@estofolk.ee
või helistage 56459359
Rahvusvaheline festival 8-14
aastastele lastele
18-24 aprillini 2018 Antalyas
Edasi-tagasi lend Turkish Airiga ca kuni
300 eurot (Antalya lennujaama)
Hetkel pakkus internet 250 €, kuid hinnad on pidevas muutumises
osalustasu alates 11-st osalejast 25 eurot päev
vaadake festivali flaierit ja tegutsege.
1.All applications should be sent by e-mail by November 15th, 2017.
2.We also kindly ask you to send us the
short CV, presentation materials and photos of the group, together with the
application form.
3.More than one group from each country may participate in the festival.
However, full board accommodation and local transportation of max.10 people (8
performers and 2 leaders: 10 people in total) of only one group from each
country will be provided free of charge by the Organization Committee. These
groups will be evaluated and determined by the Organization Committee.
The groups will be notified before December 15th, 2017. In case there are more
than 10 people in these groups, the people outside these 10 people will pay a
participation fee.
4.Other groups who applied from the same country can participate in our
festival by paying the participation fee.
5.Anyone who wishes to accompany their group can participate our festival.
6.All participant groups have to pay a deposit of 200 Euro into the following
accounts and send the bank receipt with the application form before November
15th, 2017. This deposit will be paid back to the groups on the date of their
arrival to the festival. Our Bank : TURKIYE HALK BANKASI Branch: (0854) GOZTEPE
Account name:
IBAN NO: TR33 0001 2009 8540 0058 0000 79 BIC Code: TRHBTR2A 7.A ll application
forms will be evaluated by the Organization Committee.
Official invitations will be sent to all groups which are eligible as
participants by December 15th, 2017.
In order to decrease the expenses of the Organization Committee, participants
are required to pay a participation fee.
Max. 10 people (8 performers and 2 leaders) of only one group (which will be
determined by the Organization Committee) from each country will not pay the
participation fee.
All participants outside these people will pay the participation fee.
1.Participation fee per day per person is 25 Euro.
2. For every 20 people in other groups,
participation of one leader is free of charge.
3. All payments will be made as Euro in cash to the responsible person of the
Organization Committee on April 18th, 2018.
The participation fee includes the followings:
a)A ll participants will stay in hotels. All hotel reservations will be made by
the Organization Committee.
b)T he accommodation will be at 3-star hotels; breakfast, lunch and dinner
are open-buffet. (Lunch may sometimes be provided as lunch boxes).
c)Each room provides a shower, WC and air conditioner and is double or
d)P articipants will join a city tour and a yacht tour.
The traveling expenses to and from Antalya are to be under the responsibility of
the participating groups themselves.
1.For the groups which arrive in Antalya by plane, the transfer to and from
airport and local transportations throughout the festival program will be
provided by Organization Committee.
2.T he groups which travel to Antalya by their own buses might use them for all
local transportation throughout the festival program. The gasoline for this
local transportation throughout the festival program is given to these groups.
1.P articipating performers must be
8-14 years old.
2. Groups will arrive in Antalya on April 18th, 2018 in the afternoon and
depart from Antalya on April 24th, 2018, after breakfast.
3.A ll the participants must get their Travel Health Insurance before they
travel to our country.
4.T he Organization Committee will not be responsible for any damages which
might occur to the participants or to their belongings. In case of an accident
or any need for an urgent medical treatment,the Organization Committee will be
helpful, but all medical and other expenses of the participant will be paid by
the participant or the participants insurance.
5.T he participants have full responsibility of all visa procedures before they
travel to our country.
6.E ch group must get ready to perform a max. 3, max. 5 and max. 7 minutes –
show when required. (total 3 shows )
7. The participating groups will perform only in activities arranged by the
Organization Committee. The groups must participate in all activities of the
program. The Organization Committee can change the dates, times, places and the
number of all activities of the festival. All the participating groups have to
be in agreement with this rule.