Kooridele on samadel tingimustel festivalid
14.-17.juuli 2016
4.-7.august 2016
Praha folklooripäevadele võite võtta kaasa
sõpru, tuttavaid, fänne, pereliikmeid jne. piiramata hulgal tingimusel, et
bussigrupp oleks võimalusel 44 - 45 sõitjat ja esinemisgrupp esitaks vajaliku
kestvusega publikut köitvat ja Eestit hästi esindavat-tutvustavat kava. Kui
terve bussigrupi paneb kokku üks asjaajaja-korraldaja, siis ta ise saab reisi
tasuta. Sama kehtib ka siis, kui terve bussigrupp ongi ühe juhendaja grupp -
siis saab juhendaja reisi tasuta. Kui bussigrupp koosneb kahest või enamast
erineva juhendaja rühmadest, siis jagame sooduskoha proportsionaalselt
juhendajate vahel. Kui juhendaja ise kaasa ei sõida, siis laieneb see soodustus
asjaajajale-korraldajale. See kõik kehtib siis, kui bussigrupp on kokku vähemalt
44 liikmeline.
Allpool toodud hinnaarvestus on eeldatav, kuid peale konkreetseid hinnapäringuid
võivad muutuda (viimaste aastate hinnavõrdluste põhjal ei tohiks toodud
arvestused muutuda).
Minnes ja tulles on hinna sees hommikusöögid ja õhtusöögid (HS), minnes
hommikusöögi asemel varane lõunasöök. Toitlustus minnes ja tulles on korralik.
Kohapeal on ainult hommikusöök. Õhtusöögi saab juurde tellida.
Tehke oma valik ja andke teada.
Praha folklooripäevad 28.-31.2016:
10th International Meeting of Folklore
Ensembles “Prague Folklore Days”,
kõigile tantsu-, laulu- ja muusikaliikidele
minimaalne osalejate vanus 14 aastat
hind ca 275 eurot, kui osalustasu on
89 eurot (hinnapakett nr.
võite valida ka kallima paketi
PRAHA reisiprogramm 2016
0.päev 26.07. õhtul
Buss väljub Tallinnast ja sõidab etteandmiskohtadesse vastavalt kavale.
1.päev 27.07 Varssavisse
2.päev 28.07 Prahasse
Majutus vastavalt etteantud kavale ja vaba aeg.
3.päev 29.07 Prahas ja 4.päev 30.07. Prahas
Päev vastavalt esinemiskavadele ja vahepealsetele vabadele aegadele.
Millal on linnaekskursioon, millal laevasõit jne. – selgub alles Prahas.
5.päev 31.07
6.päev 01.08. koju
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends of
Folk Dance and Folk Music,
It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to Prague, capital of Czech Republic,
to the 10th International Meeting of Folklore Ensembles “Prague Folklore Days”,
the biggest folk dance and music event in Central Europe.
The next festival will be held in the period: July 28 – July 31, 2016. The event
is organised and realised by the agency Millennium and taking place under the
auspices of the Prague City.
The festival is open for amateur folklore ensembles of all types (singing
groups, dancing groups with live or recorded music, wind brass bands) as well as
for marching groups /majorettes, historic soldiers, marching bands, flag wavers,
carnival groups etc./ without age with min. 14 members
On the occasion of the festival the folklore groups will have the following
program :
• 2 open air performances in the city centre of Prague
• official meeting of groups´ leaders with the representatives of the City of
• Parade of all ensembles through the city centre of Prague
• sightseeing tour of the city
• dinner with other participating groups
• river boat cruise or a performance of a black light theatre - on demand
In the 2015 edition of our festival participated almost 70 ensembles from 18
countries of 3 continents.
hinnapakett 1
Accommodation in a simple hotel – triple, four-bedded or multiple rooms
EUR 89,- per 1 person
3x accommodation with breakfast
guidance during the festival – possibly in your language
Prague sightseeing tour (on foot or own bus - without entrance fees )
min. 2 public open-air performances
festive parade of all groups through the city centre of Prague
information material, incl. diploma
hinnapakett 2
Accommodation in a simple hotel – triple rooms or two rooms sharing shower&WC
EUR 139,- per 1 person
3x accommodation with halfboard (2-coursed menu without drinks) – one meal
together with other groups in a typical restaurant
guidance during the festival possibly in your language
Prague sightseeing tour (on foot or own bus - without entrance fees )
min. 2 public open-air performances
festive parade of all groups through city centre of Prague
information material, incl. diploma
hinnapakett 3
Accommodation in a 3*** hotel - double or triple rooms
EUR 179,- per 1 person
3x accommodation with halfboard (3-coursed menu without drinks) – one meal
together with other groups in a typical restaurant
guidance during the festival possibly in your language
Prague sightseeing tour (on foot or own bus - without entrance fees )
min. 2 public open-air performances
festive parade of all groups through city centre of Prague
information material , incl. diploma
hinnapakett 4
Accommodation in a *** centrally located hotel - double or triple rooms
EUR 209,- per 1 person
3x accommodation with halfboard (3-coursed menu without drinks) – one meal
together with other groups in a typical restaurant
guidance during the festival possiblöy in your language
Prague sightseeing tour (on foot or own bus - without entrance fees )
Min. 2 public open-air performances
festive parade of all groups through city centre of Prague
information material, incl. diploma
Tickets for Friday river boat cruise, marionette opera or a black light theatre
1) Black Light Theatre Image, price: 22 Euro per person, 6 or 8 o´clock
2) marionette opera, price: 23 Euro per person, 5 or 8 o´clock p.m.,
3) river boat cruise: a) 2-hour-long cruise with buffet dinner (without drinks),
price 25 Euro per person
b) 1-hour-long cruise without meal, price 13 Euro per person
P.S. Price of half board: 11 EUR at hotel, 8 EUR city centre restaurant - dinner in folklore restaurant on Saturday: 15 €