Eesti Europeade Komitee kaudu pole seni
Montenegros käidud
02.-09.mai 2016
26.juuni - 3.juuli 2016
24.juuli - 1.august 2016
Oodatud ja kutsutud on kõik tantsustiilid rahvatantsust kuni ... kasvõi
Vanus piirideta ja ka muid piiranguid pole.
Fänne, sõpru, pereliikmeid - võtke kui palju tahes kaasa.
Arvestage - see on
kallis festival!
Participants will compete and show their skills in different kind of dances:
ballet or classic dance, hip-hop, folk or traditional dance, latino, jazz ballet,
ballroom dancing, contemporary dance, tap dance, dance theatre and all other
forms of dancing performances. Besides dancing, judges will look into
choreographies and costumes, and there will be prizes awarded for that too.
Any dance school (government founded or private, professional or amateur), or
dance group or any other dance institution could enter Montenegro Dance
Festival. There is no age limitation or any other kind of restrictions.
Dance schools and groups from all over the world will be participating at
Montenegro Dance Festival. So, you will have excellent opportunity to show your
unique dance skills and the culture and tradition of the country you coming from.
This is a program for 7 days during the festival.
Festival organizers will meet with the participants; help them with hotel
accommodation and distributions of official programs and rehearsal timetables.
During the first day, there will be stage rehearsal for the opening evening of
Montenegro Dance Festival. Official opening will be at 19.00h, and all of the
groups that will perform during the opening night of the festival will have to
limit their program to 5 to 10 minutes.
14.00 to 17.00 stage rehearsals for the festival opening ceremony.
19.00 to 22.00 Official opening of the Montenegro Dance Festival.
22.00 + PARTY TIME!!!
DAY 2, on this day will participate 5 to 10 groups
09.00 to 13.00 stage rehearsals for 5 to 8 groups that will perform the same day.
18.00 to 21.00, Performance of the first 5 to 8 groups.
21.00 + PARTY TIME!!!
*** Please note that the groups who are not performing on this day, will go for
excursions or spend the day the way they want it.
This is your opportunity to familiarize with the cities of Kotor, Tivat and
Budva, meet with other participants and have fun.
DAY 3, on this day will participate 5 to 10 groups
09.00 to 12.00 stage rehearsals for 5 to 8 groups that will perform the same day.
18.00 to 21.00, Performance of the first 5 to 8 groups.
21.00 + PARTY TIME!!! At the city square will be organized party for all the
participants and their friends. If it rains, party will be moved at the night
club near city square.
*** Please note that the groups who are not performing on this day, will go for
excursions or spend the day the way they want it. This is your opportunity to
familiarize with the cities of Kotor, Tivat and Budva, meet with other
participants and have fun.
DAY 4, on this day will participate 5 to 10 groups
09.00 to 13.00 stage rehearsals for 5 to 8 groups that will perform the same day.
18.00 to 21.00, Performance of the first 5 to 8 groups.
21.00 + PARTY TIME!!!
*** Please note that the groups who are not performing on this day, will go for
excursions or spend the day the way they want it.
This is your opportunity to familiarize with the cities of Kotor, Tivat and
Budva, meet with other participants and have fun.
DAY 5, on this day will participate 5 to 10 groups
09.00 to 12.00 stage rehearsals for 5 to 8 groups that will perform the same day.
18.00 to 21.00, Performance of the first 5 to 8 groups.
21.00 + PARTY TIME!!!
*** Please note that the groups who are not performing on this day, will go for
excursions or spend the day the way they want it.
This is your opportunity to familiarize with the cities of Kotor, Tivat and
Budva, meet with other participants and have fun.
DAY 6, Winners announcements and medals giving ceremony
18.00 to 22.00 – Winner’s announcements and medals giving ceremony for the first
3 placed groups in each category. *Each category of dance will be judged
At this day all the groups and schools who won one of the first 3 places will
perform again, their performance should be limited between 5 and 10 minutes.
***22.00 PARTY TIME!!!.
DAY 7, some of the groups will participate on this day
18.00 do 21.00 – Some of the groups will participate on this day.
***For all the groups who are leaving today, transport to from the hotel to the
airport will be organized, for the groups who are staying everything will be as
it was earlier planned.
Boka Fjord Excursion (on a cruise ship):
With the other participants you will enjoy sightseeing and exploring Boka fjord
on a cruise ship. It is the longest fjord in Mediterranean and one of the most
beautiful fjords in the world. Also, you will visit beautiful old cities of
Perast and Tivat that was founded and built by ancient Romans.
Coast of Montenegro Excursion:
On this excursion you will have a chance to see coastal cities of Montenegro
south of Kotor. This is your chance to see why Montenegro is considered by many,
as the most beautiful country in Mediterranean. Sand beaches miles long, crystal
clear calm sea, beautiful lagoons, and ancient cities (many of them are part of
UNESCO protected heritage), will leave you breathless.
Snow Skiing Excursion, Mountain Bjelasica, city of Kolasin:
Coast of Montenegro is blessed with warm Mediterranean weather all year around,
but behind the mountains at around 3 hours drive from the coast there is
excellent snow skiing resort, so participants who wish to do so, will be able to
spend a day at the snow.
**** City of Dubrovnik in Croatia is only 3 hours by bus from Kotor, so
excursion can be easily organized for all those interested.
Sõit sinna ja tagasi eeldab kolme
Selle reisi eelarvet on raske arvutada, kuna väga palju sõltub osalejate arvust.
Üks ots võiks minna läbi Horvaatia piki mere kallast (väga maaliline ja ilus
kant), kuigi seal liiklemiskiirus on aeglasem.
Festivali enda osalustasu on ametlikult 320
Korraldajad kinnitasid, et selle raha eest saab kõik olema eriti hea ja
Minnes tulles kokku 6 ööbimist on ca 200 eurot (koos toitlustusega hommiku- ja
Bussitransport on üle 200 euro sõitja kohta.
kokku on seega ca 720 eurot.
See on kallis, kuid kui on huvilisi, siis korraldamise taha asi ei jää.
Teil on võimalik ka lennata.
Kindlasti on lennates koguhind madalam, kuid võimalusi midagi näha on ka vähem.