Indoneesias Borneo saarel Ida-Kalimantanis
Tenggarongi linnas käis
Erau Adat Kutai ja Rahvusvahelisel Rahvakunsti Festivalil
2015.aastal 7.-14.juunini
Tallinna rahvatantsuselts "Kandali"
14 liikmelise grupiga.
Kohapeal juhendasid meid kaks vabatahtlikku
giidi Muslianah ja Aftia Putri Lovelia.
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Festival Committee of CIOFF® Indonesia
Meie tänusõnad Amar Aprizal`ile
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Is a district town once the capital city of Kutai, East Kalimantan. Tenggarong
region is divided into 12 districts and 2 of this village has an area of 398.10
km2 achieve with a population of 72 458
Tenggarong is also the capital of Kutai Sultanate ing Martadipura. The city was
founded on September 28, 1782 by Raja Kutai 15th, Aji Muhammad Muslihuddin, also
known by the name Aji Imbut.
The city was originally named Edge Pandan when Aji Imbut moved the capital of
the kingdom of Pemarangan. By Sultan Kutai, name later changed to Pandan Edge
White Ladder which means house of the king. But in its development, White Ladder
is more popularly known as "Tenggarong" until today.
According to the legend of a group of people Benuaq Ningkah Olo, the name / word
Tenggarong according Benuaq language is "Tengkarukng" comes from the word
tengkaq and bengkarukng, tengkaq means rising or setting foot into a higher
place (such as climbing stairs), is a kind bengkarukng plant roots. According to
People Benuaq when a group of people Benuaq (probably descendants Ningkah Olo)
along the Mahakam River toward the interior they stopped at a place alongside
the banks of the Mahakam, with cliffs up through the roots bengkarukng Mahakam
river, which is called Tengkarukng by Malay accent sometimes "sprain" called
Tengkarong, eventually turned into Tenggarong mention. The changes are caused
Language Benuaq many have a hard consonant commonly spoken by speakers of Malay
/ Indonesian.
Tenggarong located at 116 ° 47 '- 117 ° 04' east longitude and 0 ° 21 '- 0 ° 34'
South Latitude. The highest point of the city center Tenggarong of ± 500 m above
sea level. Tenggarong be passed by the Mahakam river basin which is one of the
largest river in Borneo or in the east. land conditions in Tenggarong tend
wetlands in the area near the banks of the river plains and hilly. average air
temperature in the city Tenggarong is 30 ° C, with an annual rainfall average of
1500 to 2000 mm per year.
general information
Kutai Kertanegara population is composed of two ethnic groups, including ethnic
Kutai and Dayak, livelihood is farming, trade and work in government.
language used is is Indonesian / Malay, Dayak and Kutai.