Juba kaheksandat korda kutsub
Praha kõiki rahvatantsu- ja rahvamuusikahuvilisi Prahasse Folklooripäevadele.
Varasematel aastatel on Eesti grupid mitmel korral Prahas osalenud.
2014.aastal toimub see festival samaaegselt Europeadega Poolas.
Kuna Poolasse tuleb esinejaid kogu Euroopast kokku kuni 5000 osalejaga, siis on
Praha festival oma muljetavaldavalt suure osalejate hulgaga ikkagi privaatsem ja
majutuses mugavam.
Tehke oma valik ja andke aegsasti teada.
NB! Prahas on vanuse miinimumpiir alates 14 aastastest.
Europeade Komitee korraldab Praha reisi vaheööbimisega Varssavis hotellis minnes
ja tulles majutusega kolmestes tubades ning õhtu- ja hommikusöökidega.
Soovi korral saab majutada ka kahestes tubades.
Alltoodud Praha osalustasudele lisandub transpordi, majutuse ja korralduse
Konkreetne hinnaarvestus selgub peale hinnapäringuid.
23.07. Eestist Varssavisse
24.07. Varssavist Prahasse
25. ja 26.07. Praha Folklooripäevad
27.07. Prahast Varssavisse
28.07. Varssavist Eestisse
(soovi korral saab midagi juurde liita)
Orienteeruv hind, kui reisijaid on 43-45, on alates 259
(sisaldab hotell 94.-, vaheööbimised Poolas koos hommiku- ja õhtusöögiga,
transport, teemaksud ja korralduskulu)
Alljärgnev tekst on Praha originaalkirjast:
The festival is open for amateur folklore ensembles of all types (singing groups,
dancing groups with live or recorded music, historic groups) as well as for
marching groups /majorettes, historic soldiers, marching bands, flag wavers,
carnival groups etc./ without age with min. 14 members
On the occasion of the festival the folklore groups will get through the
following programme points:
· 2 - 3 open air performances in the city centre of Prague
· official meeting of groups´leaders with the representatives of the City of
· Parade of all ensembles through the city centre of Prague
· Half-day sightseeing tour of the city
· Dinner with other participating groups
· river boat cruise with other participating groups, marionette opera or a
performance of a black light theatre – Friday, July 25, 2014- on request
You will have a unique opportunity to present the folklore and traditions of
your region and country to thousands of viewers from all over the world, make
new friends and last, but not least – visit Prague, the Golden City in the heart
of Europe with all its sights and magic.
The accredited organiser of the festival is:
Agency Millennium , Zahradnickova 20c, 150 00 Praha 5
Telephone: 00420 257219999 Fax: 00420 257219999
Email: folklore@praguefestival.cz
which is also responsible for arranging of accommodation for the groups –
all costs in connection with the participation are to be carried by the
the organizers are not able to provide accommodation free of charge nor can they
pay the travel costs of the groups.
We are sending you also the festival packages covering the participation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information and application form.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Prague in July 2014! The deadline for
applications is April 15, 2014.
Festival Office
Package 1
Accommodation in a simple hotel – triple, four-bedded or multiple rooms
EUR 94,- per 1 person (3 nights: July 24 -
July 27, 2014)
Single room supplement : 8,00 Eur per 1 night (extra nights prices on request)
¨ festival inscription and organisation fees
¨ 3x accommodation with breakfast
¨ guidance during the festival
¨ Prague sightseeing tour (on foot or own bus - without entrance fees )
¨ Min. 2 public open-air performances
¨ festive parade of all groups through the city centre of Prague
¨ information material, incl. diploma
Package 2
Accommodation in a simple hotel – triple and four-bedded rooms
EUR 145,- per 1 person (3 nights: July 24 -
July 27, 2014)
Single room supplement : 8,00 Eur per 1 night (extra nights prices on request)
¨ festival inscription and organisation fees
¨ 3x accommodation with halfboard (2-coursed menu without drinks) – one meal
together with other groups in a typical restaurant
¨ guidance during the festival
¨ Prague sightseeing tour (on foot or own bus - without entrance fees )
¨ Min. 2 public open-air performances
¨ festive parade of all groups through city centre of Prague
¨ information material, incl. diploma