International Children’s Folk Festival “Hanioti 2014”
Taas ootab ka Hanioti festival Kreekas
Greece at 23-28 September 2014
( teine võimalik aeg on 14-19 May 2014)
Sõnastus "Lastele" on siinkohal tinglik. Tegelikult osaleb seal igasuguseid.
4th International Festival
“Music & Sea”
Paralia, Greece
28.05. to 02.06. ja teine kord 16.09. to 21.09.2014
See festival on esmajoones mõeldud
lauljatele ja muusikutele
kooridele ja orkestritele
nii rahvalauludega kui muu repertuaariga,
igasuguse muusikaga.
Juba neli bussitäit on käinud Nafpaktoses
ja soovitavad ka teile.
Festival ise on tänu oma väiksearvulisusele mõnus puhkuse festival.
Nafpaktose Folkloorifestival-kohtumine.
21.-25.augustini 2014
Festivalile võetakse kuni 3 välisgruppi (bussigruppi)
Lisaks ilusale linnale koos lõunamaise rannaga on võimalus külastada selliseid
kuulsaid paiku nagu Olympia (120 km), ajaloolilne Delphi (100 km), Patra (10
km), pealinn Ateena (200 km), Korinthose väin (teel Ateenasse) jpm.. Lisaks
turistidest "rikkumata" väikekülasid. Ühises tantsuõppes õpite paar kreeka
traditsioonilist tantsu (sirtaki, zorbas). Ööbimine Nafpaktose hotellides
Nafpaktos, Akti ja Afrodite, 2-3 in toas. Toitlustus samade hotellide restoranis
õhtul ja hommikul.
Esinemised on õhtusel ajal erinevates kohtades. Bussigrupi kohta peaks kava
olema kindlasti 30 minutit.
(kohapeal selgub - vahel võib ka rohkem, kuid vahel vähem aega esineda).
Tantsimisel võib kasutada salvestatud muusikat.
Osalustasu on 120 eurot per isik.
Kogu reisi põhimõtteline
marsruudi kirjeldus on siin
ja kogu maksumus on umbes 550 eurot
Reis kestab 13 päeva ja läbida tuleb ca 7500 km
Nafpaktose asukoht Kreekas ja mõned linnapildid:
4th International Festival
“Music & Sea”
Paralia, Greece
in Paralia, famous holiday place on the Aegean coast of Greece in 2 terms,
from 28.05. to 02.06.2014 and
from 16.09. to 21.09.2014
See festival on esmajoones mõeldud
lauljatele ja muusikutele
kooridele ja orkestritele
nii rahvalauludega kui muu repertuaariga,
igasuguse muusikaga.
Kuna Paralia asub 450 km kaugusel Ateenast (põhjapool) ,
siis sinna väljasõitu korraldada ei saa.
Kuid kindlasti jõuab käia nii Meteoras kui ka mujal lähimas ümbruses.
Reisiaja arvestus:
Võttes aluseks kiireima variandi, peab nii sinna kui tagasi sõites arvestama 3+3
(Poolas, Ungaris, Makedoonias)
Seega minimaalne ajakulu on
25.05. kuni 05.06.2014
13.09. kuni 24.09.2014
Osalustasu, transport ja vaheööbimised (koos õhtusöökidega)
tuleb arvestada umbes 450 eurot sõitja
(tegelik hind selgub peale tegeliku arvu selgumist ja konreetseid hinnapäringuid)
The festival is open for folk and choir ensembles, as well as
orchestras and majorettes regardless of the members gender and age. The choirs
will be divided in several
categories regarding the genre (folklore, classical, pop etc.).
Hotels in Paralia and Olympic Beach, with breakfast and dinner included = 105
euro per person for 5
nights. The rooms are with 3 beds and apartment
rooms with 2+3 beds. Every group will get one 2-bed room.
You have to prepare the performing program from 10-20 min per performance.
International Children’s Folk Festival “Hanioti 2014”
will be held in Chaniotis, Greece at 14-19 May 2014 & 23-28 September
sellele reisile juba sõitva Tamsalu tantsustuudio Karree
reisikava on siin
Haniotisse pole bussigruppide arv piiratud - seega, liituge julgesti!
Hanioti is the pearl of the Greek sea which has more than 200 000 European
tourists every year. It is situated on the first finger of the peninsula
Chalkidiki in Northern Greece 100km south-east from Thessaloniki. It is a
modern, touristic place with lots of beautiful hotels and suits. It also has a
long sandy beach. In the very centre of Hanioti there is an amphitheatre in
which the festival is held accompanied by several thousands of visitors.
The accommodation is organized in de lux suits and hotels with 1/3 and 1/4 rooms
5 minutes from the centre and the beach. Only 2 double rooms are available per
group which can be used for the leaders and drivers. On the main square around
the amphitheatre there are traditional restaurants in which we organize
breakfast and lunch. During the festival every ensemble has at least two shows-
the main one in Hanioti and the other in one of the places of Municipality of
Pallini. The shows are organized in the evening hours with a short defile at the
start. After the shows the participants receive certificates and exchange gifts.
• Cruising (9.30-16.30h) for all interested participants – party on the ship.
The ship sails through bay to the second peninsula making brakes for swimming
and sightseeing (price – 13 € per person).
• Last day on the way back (or any one before) it is possible to organize visit:
to an exciting amusement park – Magic Park, (17.00 – 20.00h, 8 euro per person)
• Participants should be children from the age of 5 to 18 (või ka natuke
• Ensembles and singing groups need to have at least 10 minutes of
• Participation fee is 120 € per person and covers accommodation for 5 nights,HB
(breakfast, lunch), and expenses of the festival organization.
• Participation expenses do not cover dinner
The festival plan:
1 day – arrival in the morning – lunch and free activities. Meeting with the
Leaders of the groups at 20:00.
2 day – free activity until evening and performance at 7
3 day – free activity until evening and performance at 7
4 day – free activity cruising 9.30 a.m - 4.30 p.m.
5 day – free activity until evening hours and performance at 7 p.m. and one hour
party for the children
6 day – departure (after breakfast). The groups can use whole day on the beach...
During the last 10 years more than 18.000 children from all over Europe
participated on the Festival in Hanioti.