Mikitamäe seto rahvatantsuansambel

Folkdance group Hõbehall
Mikitamäe, Setomaa, Estonia

kunstiline juht, leader mrs. Karin Sonts

Kagu-Eestis on omanäolise kultuuri ja traditsioonidega piirkond Setumaa.
Rahvatantsuansambel Hõbehall alustas aastal 1995 esmalt memmede rühmana. 2001 aasta lõpus lisandus ka segarühm. Segarühma kohta ütleme me ise naljatledes: maailma ainuke seto segarahvatantsurühm. Ja meie nimi hõbehall ei tähenda mitte halle juukseid (neid on meil ka!) vaid tõepoolest halli hõbedat, mis kaunistab meie naiste rahvariideid. Kanname ju oma piirkonna – seto rahvariideid. Meie repertuaaris on enamasti seto tantsud või setoainelised tantsud. Ansambli eesmärgiks on seto rahvatantsu säilitamine, edasiarendamine ja tutvustamine.

Seto Folklore Group “Hõbehall”:
South-Eastern Estonia is home to a unique region of culture and tradition called Setomaa. It was here in 1995 that Hõbehall – at first a group of more mature ladies – began dancing together, although by the end of 2001 they had been joined by a mixed group of dancers. It always brings a smile to our faces that this group is the only Seto mixed dance group in the world! And our name, ‘hõbehall’ (silvergrey), doesn’t only mean ‘grey hair’ – although we have plenty of that! – but also refers to the silver jewellery that adorns the national costumes of our lady dancers.
The goal of the folk dance ensemble is to promote one's own culture, valuing folk dance as a hobby, maintaining continuity, and developing social activities.The dance group has musicians who perform Seto music for dancing in Russian garmon and accordion. Special attention is paid to bringing out the beauty and peculiarities of Seto dance danced at different times in Setomaa. We have represented Setomaa at Finno-Ugric festivals in Udmurtia and Marimaa and various places in Estonia: in Kihnu, Vormsi, etc.
Our program consists of old and set Seto dances, leelo (special seto songs) and Estonian dances.
The peculiar Seto dance has been taken even further - from the Tallinn Beer Festival and the CIOFF festival in the Baltics to the largest folklore festival in Europe, Europeade. In Germany, 2000 In Denmark, 2001 In Spain, 2002 danced in Borgosesia, Italy, 2010 at the Europeade festival in Bolzano, Italy, and 2011 at the Europeade in Tartu and etc..